Brandy Bottone is 36 weeks pregnant and was pulled over in the HOV lane in Dallas. The HOV lane is supposed to be for if you have one or more passengers in the car to encourage carpooling. Bottone argued that with the overturn of Roe v. Wade , her unborn child was her passenger. Under normal circumstances, people who aren’t douchebags could have chalked this up to someone trying to get out of a parking ticket.
But we live in post- Roe v. Wade times. The story made the news. And pro-choice liberals once again showed their hatred and intolerance towards someone who has a different opinion than them. Brandy was attacked as “just a housewife” who needs to “educate herself.” Also, abort your child.
“The meanest one I have seen, and I had to stop after that just because it’s a trigger not only for me but for anyone reading […]
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