Every military wants to train its soldiers to be ruthless killing machines. The U.S. Military, meanwhile, is (not unreasonably) training our soldiers to be butchering machines, too: During two decades of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military has largely come to rely on bulky truck convoys or air resupply to provide soldiers not only bullets and fuel, but also every morsel of food, even at remote combat outposts.
Military leaders say such lengthy supply chains may not be workable in a potential future large-scale conflict and are preparing troops to be more able to live off the land. They are rolling out lessons on how to source all sorts of food, including meat, through local means. “Local means,” in this case, means foraging and hunting. No MREs, no food concentrates — just whatever happens to be growing in the ground nearby, and/or whatever happens to be loping along […]
Excerpt Sourced From: notthebee.com