The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is supporting a white Democrat candidate who is running against a black Republican.
Republican Jennifer-Ruth Green, a black woman, is challenging white Democrat Rep. Frank Mrvan (D-IN) in Indiana’s First Congressional District.
The race is considered a “toss-up” by nonpartisan election analysts.
According to recent campaign finance filings reviewed by the Daily Caller , the Congressional Black Caucus on September 28 donated $5,000 to Mrvan, despite the fact that he is white and Green is black.Green outraised Mrvan in the third quarter.She raised around $1.4 million, while he raised less than $940,000.In 2021, the Congressional Black Caucus allegedly blocked black Republican Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) from joining the group.At the time, Donalds’ spokesman Harrison Fields said , “The sad reality is although the Congressman and those in the CBC share the same race, the (R) behind his name disqualifies him from membership today.”The caucus describes its goals […]
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Is this of interest ??? Jim
Globalist’s source of unlimited funding is analyzed to come from the FRBNY’s exclusive handling and ‘disappearing’ of funds from auctions of Treasury securities. TreasuryDirect Institutional tabulations historically identified ‘new cash’ and implied the funds went to the government. If that money went to the government, it would be the same path as tax revenue [from public funds to government coffers]. Such a flow would eliminate any increase in National Debt and also avoid any increase in circulated market value [inflation]. Money exceeding that which is used to roll over prior debt is generated from the auctions which is NOT transferred to the government. Nobody, including Cato, Mises Institute, and others, has identified where that money goes. The accounts have NEVER been audited.
Many people fail to realize Putin is resisting Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. Six agreements NATO made with Putin to make no more eastward movements have been broken. The 26 DOD bio weapon labs in Ukraine were alleged to be developing viruses that were genetically immune to the local residents. Ref. Viruses developed in China labs accidentally [?] got loose on residents. It appears that the enemy of Putin may be the enemy of the U.S. citizens.
PCR recently dared to touch the third rail and applied the label of ‘jews’ to a settlement in central Europe that accepted the religion because it was compatible with their goal of national oppression. Ref. Their infiltration of the U.S. government which he briefly identified is the same infiltration of Germany that Bismark allowed after 1880’s. Hitler capitalized on German resentment to the jew exploitation/oppression, which prevented Germans from employment in any controlled profession or business ownership, as his political agenda. It appears the similar oppression PCR identified has been imposed upon the U.S. finances over the past century. Benjamin Ginsberg in FATAL EMBRACE; JEWS AND THE STATE lists numerous European nations that were similarly bankrupted by bankers.
The unconstitutional actions of the FBI [including the seizure of $86 million from vaults, ref. , the IRS, the CIA, the CDC, the NIH, the military, and others are tolerated by Congress. If congress is not motivated to “right the wrongs to which we have become accustomed,” perhaps the state governors, AG’s, or sheriffs authorized to challenge federal actions may become recalcitrant. I don’t believe they could be labeled insurrectionists and jailed without trial as terrorists. LONG LIVE THE MAGNA CARTA !!!
One issue the government does not want discussed is the income tax. The statute that imposed an income tax on Sovereign Citizens was deliberately altered from ‘all income’ in the 1939 IRS Title 26, Section 1, in the rewriting of 1954 to ‘taxable income’–without change. They realized the unconstitutionality of the tax. Without a statute that imposes the tax, an identified violation [which is necessary for valid process] can never be pled. If the responsibility/ statute is not before the court as an issue in the indictment, the court can never rule it unconstitutional. Tricks of the trade. All such indictments appear to be invalid. [NOTE: Income tax indictments suggest violation of statutes ##7201-7215 which have been applied to gambling, horse racing, admission and other taxes. They cannot identify responsibility for an income tax. The Supreme Court has further declared they apply to all taxes.]
The chaos of the USA society, and the government corruption, along with globalist Great Reset oppression, are submitted to be instigated and funded by two U.S. methods of questioned legality.
First: An Income tax on Sovereign Citizens is not consistent with Constitutional authorization nor does statutory authorization for such a tax exist. The middle class is being decimated with this transfer of wealth to financiers. Ref.… THE INCOME TAX SCAM & 87,000 ARMED IRS AGENTS |
Second: The Federal Reserve system covertly transfers ‘profit’ derived from auctions of Treasury securities to unknown shareholders. All profit of the Rothschild’s Fed legally belongs to the government. The relevant accounts have never been audited. Ref. THIS IS OUR BANKING SYSTEM. This scheme appears to have historic roots. Ref. Benjamin Ginsberg, FATAL EMBRACE; JEWS AND THE STATE.
Both methods involve financiers – BEYOND GOVERNMENT – who are the chief beneficiaries. Congressional committees could investigate each of the above abnormalities.
Michael Rectenwald appears to agree with Mr. Roberts who concludes ignorance is the cause of elites driving the world to its nuclear demise. This writer suggests the psychopathic globalists are a mental case and ignore any concern they might die in a nuclear conflict. They appear to be totally obsessed with forcing a global economic collapse and foreclosing on the 86 covid relief loans the IMF [read Wall Street] made to nations just hours after the covid pandemic was announced.
As is being proven every day, if you do not attack the funding of corrupt bureaucrats, their civil disturbances, and their Great Reset/globalism/war mongering, they will create legions of new programs and corrupt bureaucrats which will replace the old exposed ones.
The nefarious unrestricted funding for war mongering by corrupt politicians and the Great Reset must be exposed as has been written. Far-right legislation is an essential step but not the final solution. Civil disturbances are created by globalists to distract attention from the real action.