ADVERTISEMENT Adults who had more exposure to young children were found to develop less severe COVID-19 illnesses, according to two studies published in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” journal.
The first paper , published on August 16 titled “Risk of severe COVID-19 infection among adults with prior exposure to children,” concluded that ” exposure to young children was associated with less severe COVID-19 illness.” The study of more than 3.1 million adults across Northern California acknowledges that while adults with exposure to children had slightly higher infection rates, the severity of the illness was considerably lower.
Adults without exposure to children had “significantly higher rates of COVID-19 hospitalization and hospitalization requiring ICU admission.”
The authors suggest that cross-immunity from other coronaviruses, such as the common cold, “may play a role in protection against severe COVID-19.”The second paper , published on November 7, complements the first paper by taking a […]
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