mealworms; Image credit: Ti Eriksson, Beta Hatch Eat bugs and live in a pod.
The globalists and freaks in the left-wing media are trying to convince people to eat bugs.
Eating bugs is degrading and that’s why the elitists are pushing them as a “sustainable” source of protein for the peasants.
According to a new study, ‘beetleburgers’ made from mealworms will hit mass production to help feed the world. TRENDING: Joe Biden and the CIA Worked to Install Current Communist Regime in Brazil – This Was All Planned “Mixed with sugar, the beetles supposedly taste just like real meat. They could also become alternatives to sausages or chicken nuggets.” – researchers say. Beetleburgers could soon be helping to feed the world, according to new research. The creepy crawlers’ larvae — better known as mealworms — could act as a meat alternative to alleviate hunger worldwide. The process uses a fraction of the […]
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