In his April 25 American Enterprise Institute post , “Obama is Wrong About Regulating Disinformation,” Mark Jamison disputes Barack Obama’s recent argument that “the growth of social media and technology…undermines our democracy,” and that “regulation has to be part of the answer.”
Jamison sees a looming danger such arguments ignore: “If the government can influence what people see, it can make them relatively ignorant of the data and opinions the government dislikes.” That is especially important because “Government officials are often significant actors in spreading false information.” Consequently, “The answer to bad information isn’t a greater information gatekeeper role for government, rather it is more voices…[because] those who put themselves in that role often get it wrong, leaving us little assurance that a government gatekeeper would result in more truthful statements.”
Obama reminded me of New York Times writer Kevin Roose ’s call last year to create a “reality czar”-led government […]
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