This is, to put it mildly, very terrifying: Skies turn green in South Dakota due to severe storms with rain, hail As millions of Americans found themselves in the path of severe storms on Tuesday, one state in particular received a colorful concoction in the skies as rain and hail fell — green skies in South Dakota. As millions of Americans found themselves in the path of severe storms on Tuesday, one state in particular received a colorful concoction in the skies as rain and hail fell.
Storms passed through South Dakota during Tuesday afternoon, leaving behind considerable rainfall, hail and wind reports. The most unique portion of the severe weather came in its particular hue, eschewing the typical gloomy grey skies for a green shade more in common with night vision goggles than daytime thunderstorms. Oh, “night vision goggles” doesn’t begin to capture it: I’ve said it before and […]
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