Politico reported on July 21 that Republican leaders will not pose obstacles to another Donald J. Trump campaign for the presidency in 2024. Rather than staying passive on the subject of a second term for President Trump, Republican leaders should be urging him to announce his 2024 presidential candidacy by Labor Day, in part to offset the resumed hearings of Pelosi’s Jan. 6 panel set to be continued this September.
Such an announcement would certainly get a boost by the defeat of Liz Cheney in the Wyoming primary next month. What could be a better symbol of the tawdry politics practiced by the dictator of the House of Representatives, as Newt Gingrich refers to Pelosi, than a defeated Cheney sitting as phony ‘vice chair’ of the Pelosi committee? What could be a greater boon to the forthcoming tsunami of MAGA patriotism than a Trump announcement of his candidacy in the […]
Excerpt Sourced From: www.americanthinker.com