The revolt against the radical LGBTQI+ takeover of the U.S. won another battle this week with the all-Muslim Hamtramck City Council, located near Detroit, Michigan, unanimously voting on Tuesday to ban the display on government property of flags that promote religion, sexuality, race, ethnicity or political groups. By definition the measure bans government displays of the “Pride” flag, the Black Lives Matter flag, Blue Lives Matter, etc. Screen image via WVIB-TV.
The Detroit News reported on the flags the resolution allows to be displayed by the city government: The proposal called for the ban of all but five flags from being flown on city properties — including the American flag, the state of Michigan flag, the Hamtramck flag and the Prisoner of War flag. The fifth one is known as the nations’ flag, one that represents the countries from which the city’s immigrant residents hail and reflects the […]
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