Fully automatic weapons have been spotted amidst the rioting in Paris, France , raising questions about whether U.S. firearms have been illegally diverted to the city—which would be a repeat of what happened about eight years ago in the 2015 Paris terrorist attacks.
French news site Mediavenir published a video Friday of reported AK-47—which are manufactured both in the U.S. and Russia —fire in the La Duchère district of Lyons.
Russia Today published another article the next day, linking to several Telegram videos of other apparent automatic firearms—including what appears to be a light machine gun. As Russia Today noted, the weapon appeared to have a bipod attached as well as a large-capacity drum magazine.
The reports are causing a stir on Twitter, but the social media company’s “Community Notes” feature is criticizing them as uncorroborated conspiracy theories.
pic.twitter.com/rmLgSlgUwJ — Sal the Agorist […]
Excerpt Sourced From: headlineusa.com