As reported by The New York Times Magazine at the time, Joe Biden’s goal was to transform the economy from the get-go: “The Biden Team Wants to Transform the Economy. Really.” Nearly two-and-a-half years later, the damage and chaos of that transformation process are obvious: continuing high inflation (especially energy, food, and gasoline prices), rising interest rates, recession predictions, a stagnant economy, depleted individual savings, sky-high credit card debt, and other indications of stagflation and recession.
Who has benefited from the Biden economy? Green-New-Deal grifters benefit from the gargantuan tax subsidies and federal spending on transitioning the U.S. economy from hydrocarbon energy sources to “clean” sources, especially solar and wind energy. With Food Crises Happening In America, Should You Buy A Freeze Dryer?
The communist Chinese are happy to benefit from Biden’s economic policies, which ultimately mandate and subsidize green products from Chinese companies at the expense of […]
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