Grand Rapids, Michigan officer Christopher Schurr was charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Patrick Lyoya, a black man.
Patrick Lyoya was fatally shot by Officer Schurr after violently resisting arrest in April.
As previously reported, various videos of the scene show Lyoya, 26, and another passenger being pulled over in a residential neighborhood.
Officer Christopher Schurr exited his patrol car and instructed Lyoya to stay in his car. TRENDING: Two Utah Moms File Open Records Requests on Election Records – State Lt. Gov. Tips Off Reporter, Blocks Them from Access, and Feds Are Called In Patrick Lyoya Lyoya exits his vehicle despite officer Schurr yelling at him to “stay in the car” repeatedly.After some back-and-forth over a license plate and driver’s license, officer Schurr chases Lyoya and the two end up on the ground fighting over a taser gun.Schurr repeatedly tells Lyoya to “let go of the taser” […]
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