Are you in the middle of a bitter custody dispute? Just take your kids to an activist therapist, declare them transgender, and then use that as a weapon against your ex-husband or wife.
This exciting new development in destroying the lives of children comes to us from California . Where else? A newly revised California bill would treat parents’ refusal to “affirm” their child’s gender identity as a violation of health, safety, and welfare in the context of custody disputes. The bill, which has already passed the State Assembly, would require judges adjudicating such disputes over transgender-identifying children to favor the parent who “affirms” the child’s preferred identity. Earlier this week the authors released an updated version that specifically defines “the health, safety, and welfare” of a child to include “a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity”—a change that the bill’s opponents worry will open the door to non-affirmation […]
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