(AP Photo/Andrew Selsky) First, Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats successfully passed student loan “cancelation” legislation, ridiculously and purposely misnomered, “ student debt forgiveness .” Next up, rent “cancelation”? As pandemic eviction moratoriums expire and rent payment relief programs end across the U.S., about 8.5 million people are behind on rent as of the end of August, according to Census Bureau data.
Of those 8.5 million renters, nearly four million say they are somewhat or very likely to be evicted over the next two months. Hence, can demands for rent cancellation be the next big Democrat wealth-redistribution scam, demanded by people who have been programmed to believe housing is a “right,” regardless of one’s ability to pay for it? One year on #RentStrike
One goal: #CancelRent Still going strongpic.twitter.com/5fs8UnlNod — 1234 Pacific Street Tenant Association (@1234PacificPowr) April 1, 2021 As reported by MSN, a combination of soaring inflation, the […]
Excerpt Sourced From: redstate.com