( Natural News ) Saving the planet from climate change sounds like a virtuous platform, one where people can come together to stop pollution and hold big industry accountable. However, the climate change narrative is currently run by a GLOBALIST DEATH CULT that has declared war on the most essential elements of life .
Anyone who dissents to the climate change narrative is labeled a “climate change denier.” This ad hominem is used as a manipulation tactic to get more people to blindly go along with whatever the god-complex globalists want. The war on carbon and carbon dioxide is diabolical
The first element under attack is carbon dioxide. The United Nations has declared CO2 to be a pollutant, a greenhouse gas that contributes to warmer temperatures around the globe. The UN climate change experts believe they can predict the future temperatures, control the Earth’s thermostat and dictate temperatures around […]
Excerpt Sourced From: www.naturalnews.com