In a recent article over at The Federalist, Josh Herring asks, “Can classical liberalism operate in a post-Christian America?” It’s an intriguing question. However, near the beginning of the article, Herring makes an astonishing claim about classical liberalism, one that calls for a response: It’s led to unprecedented levels of international collaboration through organizations like the UN, European Union, and the International Monetary Fund, each of which has profoundly affected the world. This way of collaborating in a common political and economic sphere is called classical liberalism. This is entirely mistaken. Classical liberalism is not a way for nations to collaborate in politics and economics by means of international organizations.
The term “liberal” comes from the Latin liber , meaning “free.” Classical liberalism is all about individual liberty. Even Wikipedia gets this right . Classical liberalism “advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with […]
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