In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood , the corporate and entertainment world have joined the pro-abortion chorus in denouncing the decision, the Court, and the pro-life movement. Their reaction has been swift and predictable.
The Hollywood crowd wasted no time screeching on social media, according to Newsweek . Bette Midler wrote about the Court: “They did it. THEY DID IT TO US. … How dare they?” She called a woman who suggested adoption as an alternative to abortion “some b—- on TV” and warned gays, “You’re next.” Actor Samuel L. Jackson called Justice Thomas “Uncle Clarence.” Amy Schumer shared a post that said, “We shouldn’t determine our rights by interpreting the intentions of a bunch of slave-owning rapists who’d been dead for a hundred years” (referencing America’s Founding Fathers). Actress Lynda Carter tweeted that the Dobbs decision “is a […]
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