There is no doubt in my mind that if General George Washington were alive to see how the permanent political class had defiled his good name, he would raze D.C. to the ground. “But George,” I imagine Martha pleading, “there surely are some good people in the nation’s capital who still serve the Republic.”
“I don’t think so. They celebrate baby murder, educate children inside brothels, tax the people to death, corruptly enrich themselves, and send the poorest to fight foreign wars for vague reasons.” “In that case, wait here; I’ll go grab the torches.” Martha was a patriotic and courageous first lady, who was never so insecure that she required strangers to address her as “Doctor.”
If the denizens of D.C. had even the slightest inclination toward honesty, they would rename their little swampland after Benedict Arnold, a man whose capacity for betrayal they all secretly emulate. The filthy cesspool […]
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