The Democratic Party is rigging elections in America in every way conceivable. One way that it is fixing elections before they even take place is by fraudulently counting the number of U.S. citizens in their states.
The Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board on Friday published an opinion e ditorial that lays out convincingly that Democrats’ fraud likely cost Texas and Florida additional House seats. Meanwhile, blue states undeservingly picked up seats.
“Well, well. Remember how Democrats accused the Trump Administration of trying to rig the 2020 Census?” the WSJ rhetorically asks. “Now a Census Bureau study reveals that Republican-leaning states may have been hurt by mistaken under-counts.”
“On Thursday the bureau published the results of its post-enumeration analysis, which it does after every Census to identify errors in the counts,” the story notes. “Its study found that 14 states were over- or under-counted by statistically significant margins. Compare that to 2010 when […]
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