Every governor and mayor in the nation who intends to ship illegal aliens to Democrat “sanctuaries” like New York City, Washington DC, or Chicago needs to be extra-careful that the people they’re moving know exactly where they’re going and why. A Democrat sheriff in Texas is using a loophole to help get special visas for those who were flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis last month.
According to Texas Tribune:
Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar on Thursday certified that 49 migrants who were flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis last month were victims of a crime. The move clears a pathway for those migrants to get a special visa to stay in the country that they otherwise would not have received.
Rachel Self, a Massachusetts attorney working with the migrants, told radio station WGBH that the move by Salazar is a key part of the migrants’ applications for a “U visa,” which is reserved for victims of crime or people who witnessed a crime. In a statement, Salazar said his office had submitted documents with the federal system “to ensure the migrants’ availability as witnesses during the investigation.”
Attorneys like Self are seeking the visas for the migrants on the grounds that they were taken to Martha’s Vineyard under false pretenses.
“Based upon the claims of migrants being transported from Bexar County under false pretenses, we are investigating this case as possible Unlawful Restraint,” Salazar said in a statement.
This bold move by the woke sheriff could create unintended consequences to the cause of fighting the border invasion. It means Republican lawmakers who are copying DeSantis, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and others need to be very careful with what they tell the illegal aliens.
What really needs to be done is for border states — and technically all Republican-led states — to declare an emergency and grant themselves power to deport the illegal aliens they detain. If the Biden-Harris regime continues to refuse to their jobs and keep the nation safe, it’s incumbent on states and cities to fill the gap.