Drag queens are not in schools by accident. It was and is an intentional act to upend educational models, to subvert norms of morality and human behavior, and to “queer” early childhood education. ” Drag ,” writes authors Harper Keenan and Lil Miss Hot Mess, “is firmly rooted in play as a site of queer pleasure, resistance, and self-fashioning.”
In a 2021 article called ” Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood ,” authors Harper Keenan, an education academic, and Lil Miss Hot Mess, a “founding queen” of Drag Queen Story Hour, opined at length on how progressive and revolutionary it is to put men in garish women’s costumes in classrooms. Their reasoning is five fold. The authors “discuss five interrelated elements of DQSH that offer early childhood educators a way into a sense of queer imagination: play as praxis, aesthetic transformation, strategic defiance, destigmatization of […]
Excerpt Sourced From: thepostmillennial.com