The Federal Bureau of Investigation is out of control.
And corrupt.
And—whereas J6 turned into a limited riot with only some of those involved guilty of breaking specific laws—it was not an insurrection or an insurgency. The FBI, however, has orchestrated an insurgency against the government that was formed of, for and by the People. Despite what the Legacy Media breathlessly claims, there was no January 6 “Insurrection.”
“Of the hundreds of ‘ Capitol Breach Cases ’ listed at the Justice Department’s prosecution page, not one defendant is charged with insurrection under 18 U.S.C. 2383,” noted a 2022 Wall Street Journal article . “That’s because insurrection is a legal term with specific elements.”“The events of Jan. 6 also fail to meet the dictionary definition of insurrection, which Merriam-Webster defines as ‘an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.’ A usage note adds that the term implies ‘an […]
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