Joe Biden surprised Americans this week during a visit to Puerto Rico where he announced that he too was “sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community.” In Delaware, where Puerto Ricans make up 0.39% of the population. Shameless pandering is the Democrat love language to minority voters. It’s something else they stink at because Black voters and Hispanic voters are fleeing the party in record numbers.
Turns out, Black and Hispanic voters are no different than any other voter. They are concerned about providing for their families and keeping their families safe. Democrats are on the wrong side of history on both of those issues .
Here’s Crowder and the gang counting down the five most pathetic examples of Democrats’ shameless pandering.
5. Kamala Harris blathering about smoking weed with Charlamagne The God.4. Hillary Clinton talking about how she brings ‘hot sauce’ with her everywhere.3. Hillary Clinton doing what the kids […]
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