In an op-ed from the New York Post today , former Attorney General Bill Barr joins the not coincidentally timed call from Republican Club officer Paul Ryan to dump Donald Trump. New York Post and Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch smiles gleefully, but the organized effort is transparent.
According to the diatribe from Bill Barr, things were much better for the leaders of the ‘ acceptable Republican Party ‘ when the unwashed masses of the unrepresented middle-class were compliant in their role as victims to the GOP. Battered conservatives are so much easier to manage if they just listen to the high-minded pontifications of the professional political class, pull lever and get pellet. The tone of Barr’s screed is condescending in the extreme, as if he is delivering his prose to the RNC corporate boardroom at cocktail hour. With a backdrop buffet of crustless triangle cucumber sandwiches and a masked […]
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