Last year Chris Gonzales’ 8-year-old son was browsing YouTube when he saw a video that disturbed him. It was a video about parents hating their kids and the kids’ faces were smudged with blood. Immediately, Gonzales signed him up for a YouTube Kids account, thinking that would be okay. “The first video recommended was what it’s like being a non-binary child. … I looked through the rest of the videos and they were worse.” Gonzales wondered why there couldn’t just be good things online. “Why are we so far from where we used to be [in] the days of Mr. Rogers?”
Gonzales never thought he’d leave his career as an FBI agent, but he knew he had to do something. He realized that the biggest threat to kids was the culture that was trying to steal their minds right out from underneath parents. “And so I said, ‘Well, I guess […]
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