Friday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) praised newly elected Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for living up to the promises he made during the tumultuous four-day-long House Speaker elections last week.
“Bravo, Speaker McCarthy,” he said. “This was not an agreement that we had at the beginning of last week, but as the week progressed, Speaker McCarthy, to his great credit, understood this was important to a great many of us. And when we get this 14,000 hours out, we’re going to be able to see the extent to which the federal agents and assets that were present that day, may or may not have increased the level of criminal acuity. We’re going to be able to see their coordination with one another.”
“And we’re also going to be able to see if there is exculpatory evidence that would show that people never intended to […]
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