Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters recently came under attack by the dark-money nonprofit “journalism” organization Arizona Mirror , who falsely claimed he “wants to allow states to ban contraception use” and that he is a Nazi sympathizer.
The Arizona Mirror is a Soros-tied 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that funnels money to Democratic campaigns by positively promoting their ideas while slandering conservative Republican candidates like Blake Masters.
Blake Masters never said this about contraception, and he did not praise a Nazi leader, as they claim.
The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Blake Masters punched back on Twitter this past weekend, exposing the fake news author and publicly shaming him as a “disreputable liberal” and a “hack.” The radical leftist ‘journalist’ even requested a comment from a “fake [campaign] email address” to stop Masters from correcting the record before publication. TRENDING: HAPPENING NOW: Godless Pro-Abortion Activists Protest Outside of Justice Alito’s House Chanting, […]
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