By no means should we give up on Donald Trump. I say that up front because there are a lot of people reaching out to me asking if I heard the latest thing he said or did while wondering if I’m still going to support him. Yes I am. As of now, I see no reason to pull support. With that said, he definitely needs an intervention. He needs to be reminded about who his base supporters are and what we expect of him.
First and foremost, we do not expect him to endorse RINOs. Dr. Mehmet Oz and a small handful of other candidates he has endorsed do not represent the MAGA movement, are not America First patriots, and will be embarrassments for him if they win. If Oz is in the Senate, he will make Mitt Romney seem like a staunch conservative and full-blown MAGA guy. That’s how awful Dr. Mehmet Oz is.
It’s not just that he’s not a conservative. He’s not even really a Republican other than slapping that label on his badge for the sake of political expediency. Despite efforts to cover up and reverse his stances ahead of the election, he was passionately in favor of preserving Roe v. Wade as recently as two years ago.
Here's Mehmet Oz just 3 years ago saying he was "really worried" about abortion rights in Roe v Wade being taken away. #PAsen
— Matt Wolking (@MattWolking) May 3, 2022
He was in favor draconian gun laws in the same time period. He had his name attached to a call for more gun laws in 2018, though he claims he only signed onto it and didn’t actually write it. Politifact backed him up on it, which alone should tell you it’s a lie.
Then, there’s the fact that he’s a globalist and proud of it. His tendency in just about every political question leans towards globalism, if not embraces it outright. These perspectives have not changed, nor has he addressed them in any way on the campaign trail. Instead of disavowing his globalist past, he’s pretending like it’s not an issue. Republican voters should take note.
I'm having a wonderful time at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Such a beautiful country.
— Dr. Mehmet Oz (@DrOz) January 26, 2012
This is why he’s a favorite of Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum, who he met in Davos as one of the rising globalist elites.
Some have argued that Donald Trump was the same as Dr. Oz, that he supported abortion and gun control in the past. But his transition to the right side of those questions is demonstrable and spread out over long periods of time. We were able to watch the evolution of Trump’s perspectives and it showed in his work before he entered the world of politics.
The same cannot be said about the Pennsylvania Senate candidate that Trump endorsed. Dr. Oz just happened to adopt Republican principles instantly, right around the time he was looking at the possibility of running for office.
How did he demonstrate he’s a defender of the 2nd Amendment? By releasing a video of him shooting skeet. Seriously.
This is embarrassing.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) May 9, 2022
For accuracy, it’s important to note that other parts of the video his campaign released DO mention the need for the 2nd Amendment to fight tyranny, which is the most important aspect of our constitutional right. Nevertheless, the fact that he thinks skeet shooting makes him appear to be a pro-gun guy speaks volumes about his intentions. He does not want to offend Democrats or Independents. He is milquetoast. Lukewarm. He’s not a true defender of our right to keep and bear arms.
His America First opponent, Kathy Barnette, is the person Trump should have endorsed. She is a veteran of the United States military and actually supports the 2nd Amendment.
Both @Kathy4Truth and @DrOz have gun training, having served in the military.
Of course, Dr. Oz served in the Turkish military, so it's not quite the same thing.
— JD Rucker (@JDRucker) May 10, 2022
If it was one bad endorsement, I’d say we can call it a Mulligan. Unfortunately, there are other indicators Trump has lost touch with his base. At a recent rally in Pennsylvania in support of Dr. Oz, Trump introduced Woody Johnson to the crowd. He touted how rich the scion of the Johnson & Johnson company was. It just so happened to be the day after the J&J jabs were slapped with restrictions over blood clots.
By no means am I suggesting being friends with Johnson shows Trump is out of touch. But the fact that he thought it was a beneficial thing to bring him on stage and introduce him to the crowd is telling. In no way could this have benefited Trump, Johnson, or Oz. The MAGA base is not supportive of Big Pharma in general and many are opposed to their incessant push to vaccinate every man, woman, and child in America.
It was poor optics in any context.
That brings us to the last major question about Trump’s understanding of what his base desires. He has continuously touted the jabs. What’s worse is that he has bragged on multiple occasions about how effective and safe they are. He even said they may represent his greatest accomplishment as president.
People have the right to feel how they feel about pretty much anything. If he likes the jabs and wants to keep getting himself boosted again and again, so be it. But the fact that he doesn’t recognize his base doesn’t think the jabs were a great accomplishment tells us he’s listening to the wrong people.
Proper advisors would tell him to avoid the discussion of vaccines. The only thing he should be saying is that he opposes vaccine mandates. If he wasn’t out of touch with his base, he wouldn’t need advisors to tell him that.
Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, I give up on a politician once they lose touch. With Trump, it’s different. He’s the 1/100 who is worth trying to reach with an intervention. Why? Because as Jimmy Carter once said, he’s malleable. There was a brief period during the 2016 campaign season right after he secured his GOP nomination that he went against his base. Prompted by recommendations of his team, he launched his immigration “softening” campaign.
According to ABC News:
Donald Trump indicated there could be a “softening” of his controversial immigration policies during a Fox News town hall moderated by Sean Hannity that taped earlier tonight.
When asked by Hannity if there was “any part of the law” he would change to accommodate law-abiding immigrants who have kids in the U.S., Trump replied: “There certainly can be a softening because we’re not looking to hurt people,” Trump said in his response. “We want people — we have some great people in this country.”
His base was not happy about the idea and they let him know. As a result, the “softening” lasted a little over a week before he decided to return to his tough-on-illegal-aliens stances. He is malleable. He will listen. We just need to get loud enough. We need to not be weak-kneed and unwilling to call him out when he makes mistakes. There was a time when any criticism of Trump was deemed by most of his supporters as being of “Never Trump” origins. I’m not a Never-Trump. I WANT HIM TO SUCCEED. That’s why I’m willing to say that he seems to be losing touch with his base and he needs to reverse course on certain issues.
On the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel with JD Rucker, I discussed why he needs an intervention and how losing touch with his base means we must make him hear our voices even louder now.
What a crock article. So the guy has to be 100% right or you write this dribble.
Gimme a break.
It’s not about being 100% right. It’s about being 100% consistent. Oz is Mitt Romney. That’s not consistent.
or maybe practical or even sticking with your friends, sometimes personal relationships trump politics
I agree, Horse crap for clicks. Do not doubt the return of MAGA.
We don’t want any more Pierre Delecto’s in the Senate or the House and when Trump endorses these people, using the excuse gotta pick the ones who can win (ignoring the fact we just do not want them at all, for any reason). Instead, he should work harder finding and promoting the conservatives we DO want in those positions. We are all tired of holding our nose while we vote.
Clearly he has lost touch with his base! Clearly!!!! Just look at the evidence……57-0 in endorsements and average of 50k at his rallies!!!
The Oz endorsement is a head scratcher, but more concerning is his continued support of the “safe and effective” gene therapy shots.
Hannity had a hand in both OZ and the softening. He has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, although he seems to be a kind and honest man. When Oz loses (I hope) then possibly President Trump will start to look at Hannity skeptically and use his own instincts again. They are far better.
I already gave up on Trump, after his inept leadership under Covid-19. DeSantis is superior in every way, shape and form over him.
and cannot beat Trump so Don Quixote he is not unlike your ilk.
Except we Floridians do not want to Lose him.
Any true conservative Constitutionalist should know that the Federal Government has NO delegated powers for any gun control pertaining to the People. Without delegated powers the Federal government may lawfully do NOTHING. And then the 2nd Amendment by which we DECLARE our rights to “be at all times armed” (Jefferson) reiterates to the Federal Government “shall NOT be infringed”. Therefore ALL Federal gun laws are criminal and tyrannical.
If we actually followed the Constitution states would have no say in gun control.
When Trump first came on the political scene I didn’t like his ego, his past womanizing or his vulgarity. His rush to get TV evangelists to endorse and and “pray for him” smacked of insincerity if not opportunism. He tells Conservatives what they want to hear. Like a Manchurian Candidate he outspent and out talked all of his Republican opponents and won the nomination. I voted for him too rather than vote for the Marxist Hillary. Not expecting to win the election Trump was stunned to learn that the voters chose him over Hillary. Once elected he stumbled his way through several problems JDR mentioned, appointing some of his worst enemies into position of power that they used against him. Dr Oz will turn out to be another of those kinds of appointments IF Trump runs and wins in 2024.
I’m hoping that De Santis, Jordan, Scott, Pompeo and maybe Cruz, or other YOUNGER Conservatives run against Trump in the primaries and give Conservatives a better choice, if for no other reason that Trump will be 76 in 2024 and, IMO, is already showing signs of slowing down mentally, which would explain his Oz endorsement. Trump did an admirable job as President considering all the Deep State, MNM, academia, courts and corporations that were constantly fighting him. IF Trump does win in 2024 his choice for VP will be the most important choice he’ll make for the sake of this country.
of course he will pick DeSantis for VP, the rest of your post is platitudes i.e. 20/20 hindsight
Not a match that would work. DeSantis is a strong person and being VP would not be a role for him especially under Trump.
I agree with this author. Trump demonstrated very bad judgement by letting Jared & Ivanka influence him to make some very bad appointments, up to and including his Supreme Court picks. And yes, he should shut up about the experimental chemical concoction that he allowed Big Pharma to test on the American people. I would support Ron DeSantis over Trump in a second.
Ill vote for Trump if he is the final candidate, but I prefer someone like DeSantis.
And, remember, DeSantis or others have a potential of 8 years.
Trump only has 4. Let’s move on.
so going for 12 would be bad…such a marvelous thinker
Trump supported Abbott for Governor of Texas in the primary. Abbott campaign was I’ve got Trump’s endorsement. So Abbott wins when we could have had Allen West.
Trump also supported McConnell, Graham, and Romney.
JD, c’mon man! Trump NEVER was in touch with his base. He’s a carpetbagger of the worst degree, and most conservative voters, including you, have been in a particularly desperate and vulnerable state of mind since the Illegal Alien Usurper spent 8 years proving daily the Republic was a farce. You good, though pathetic, people would–did– vote for anyone who blabbed support for low hanging Conservative fruit, despite his numerous con-man self owns, like “Two Corinthians.” I hope you are buying all that prepper food you advertise; you’re gonna need it!
I buy as much as I can!
I’m pretty much with the OP on this one. Could Trump have been better? Yes, but he was the right man at the right time.
As for myself I voted for Trump the first time because Hillary. I was 100% in the second time.
OZ is nothing but a trojan horse for the Globalist WEF and the leftist that he courts. He just signed on to outlawing our 2A rights. Right! Another lying politician wannbe who supports all of the crazy leftist causes and then weasels out when he’s confronted with the truth which is available for all to see. Support the real MAGA candidates and not the imposters and political grifters like him.
I’ll take Trump or DeSantis any day of the week or year. Trump’s endorsement of Oz is ill advised. The man is a RINO. If he bats more than 500 on his endorsements, I’ll take him over any democrat.
Trump also endorsed the swamp rat Boozman, here in Arkansas. This guy bad mouthed Trump and claimed there was no election fraud. We desperately need to get rid of that trash.
Jan Morgan is the best conservative running for his office, Trump should have endorsed her.
Anyone stupid enough to have taken Trump’s poison shots deserves the eventual consequences. If someone hand’s a revolver with 1 bullet and spins the chamber, it’s still your choice to put that gun to your head and pull the trigger. I choose to headshot the person who handed me the gun and go down fighting. Trump built and fast tracked the revolver and allowed many companies to force that gun into MILLIONS of people’s hands. He’s a sell out and lost the election or gave it away, because he didn’t see the PLANdemic for what it was (or he was in on it, see the videos of him meeting with Klaus Schwab). This plandemic was an OBVIOUS opportunity for the DS to take over the polls from the scared old people that they were killing off with death protocols in their deathcare facilities (hospitals). While the MSM with their fear mongering also peddled mail-in ballots to support the computer hacks. Trump allowed that to happen by locking down and buying into the scam. I SAW this from day one and knew their strategy, you mean orange man who claims to be so intelligent couldn’t? He couldn’t do a few hours of research and look into doctors Stefan Lanka, Thomas Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, Robert Young, The Bailey’s, Tenpenny, Popper, Christiane Northrup, Carrie Madeji, Mercola, John Bergman, Simone Gold, & more. Viruses DO NOT exist and I sooner trust the field of Astrology than Virology. Louis Pasteur, the father of Germ THEORY was a self admitted fraud. The Spanish flu was people dying from wearing face diapers 24/7…..sound familiar? WATCH the docu-series The Viral Delusion for more info and to wake up.
A REAL leader would’ve done his OWN research, or at least involved MANY different trustworthy sources with opposing views. They could’ve at least involved those aforementioned doctors above. He did a good job his first 3 years…..roping his blindly obeying base and trying to bait people like me, who saw past his bombastic, short on facts and high on slurs reality TV style. After roping everyone in, he pulled the rug out from everyone in his last year and gave Fraudci and Bi*tch an everyday prime time stage! While also proceeding to rollout POISONS with Warpspeed that have KILLED MILLIONS and INJURED TENS OF MILLIONS…many of his OWN base who blindly follow this fool. Yes, it’s their choice…but he built and handed them the gun!! While ALSO ruining the great economy, destroying millions of jobs and small businesses and throwing the Selection of 2020. All for a FAKE NEVER BEEN ISOLATED so called virus that was found with a fake dialed up PCR test. WATCH the Documentary “Viral Delusion”.
A REAL leader would have FIRED (and arrested) Fruadci on the stage in front of the world and brought out those doctors I mentioned to counter the MSM narrative. A REAL leader would have NEVER shut down the economy and destroyed the livelihoods AND FREEDOMS of many of his supporters. In fact, a REAL leader would have never declared a FAKE State Of Emergency and then told any state that shut down their economy or issued mandates of any kind would forfeit all current and future federal money. A real leader orange man is not….he is a DS FRAUD. He had his opportunity to prove he had both brains and courage and instead proved he has NEITHER…or worse. A REAL leader doesn’t GIVE A SHITE what the MSM thinks or says about him, especially if it compromises his principles or kills his people.
My 2024 primary vote will go to ANYONE other than this clown. My hopeful is DeSantis. He is far from perfect but far better.
Clearly he has lost touch with his base! Clearly!!!! Just look at the evidence……57-0 in endorsements and average of 50k at his rallies!!!
The subject of this article shows that it is not worth an “intervention” to get Trump back on track. Trump spoke his mind and is apparently, not in with the evil crowd. I think he was more naive than anything else.
At best, he just doesn’t have the deep understanding of the task ahead, or the conviction, and what’s coming requires much more. Looks like DeSantis has much more depth and understanding but there are still unknowns. Consider what Ron Paul, who would never have gathered to himself such evil characters as Trump did. And would not have hesitated to ppl ardon Snowden and Julian Assange. That’s a high bar, but still.
Except one thing. Judgment is coming to America and she Hass filled her cup of iniquity. She has been warned for decades, even centuries, but Christians stopped being vigilant while the evil ones committed such great sins in her name. The return to child sacrifice should have set off a firestorm from God’s people, v sackcloth and ashes, impeachment proceedings for the judges that would take u a vback to the days of feeding the children to the fires of Molech.
Trump can’t save us. If he had wanted to and could have, he would have. The only one who can save us is Jesus/God.
2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Well we all know how the whole Soddom and Gomorrah thing worked out!
so going for 12 would be bad…such a marvelous thinker
Far too many Trump haters and major fools on this thread. They think there is another Republican that can bring in the same number of votes to possibly overcome the next cheat. Delusional all.
President Trump’s base grows every time an American goes to the grocery store or buys gasoline. 908 days, 5 hours until the election. If we survive. Prepare for war. Pray for Peace. America First. ULTRAMAGA.
PA Senate candidate said it best:
“MAGA does not belong to President Trump.
Our values never, never shifted to President Trump’s values,” she said. “It was President Trump who shifted and aligned with our values.”
Sadly Trump cannot become a politician or a great leader. He cannot listen to anyone else, needs to take credit for everything good but never accept blame and has not learned from past mistakes. But if not Trump then who? Please do not say DeSantis for Florida does not want to give him up yet and his wife has just recovered from breast cancer and they have young children.