Christopher Wray at Davos 640 The House began the process of holding the FBI in contempt of Congress on Tuesday after the bureau refused to provide a subpoenaed informant file to Congress that allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions between now-President Biden and a foreign national.
The FBI had until Tuesday to convey the information file, which contains an unclassified document that is a record of an interview the FBI conducted with an informant. House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) subpoenaed the file, but the FBI refuses to comply. The Justice Department does not deny the existence of the record.
“Today, the FBI informed the Committee that it will not provide the unclassified documents subpoenaed by the Committee. The FBI’s decision to stiff-arm Congress and hide this information from the American people is obstructionist and unacceptable,” Comer wrote in a press release.
Although Comer and […]
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