AP Photo/Susan Walsh You can easily identify a person who knows absolutely nothing about firearms and how to use them by any means but one of them is watching them speak about how police should use their firearms in a non-lethal way.
You’ve probably heard someone you know or, at least, someone online opine that police shouldn’t shoot to kill when they draw their firearms. Instead, they should wound people by hitting a leg or an arm. The most ignorant of this crowd ask “why not just shoot the gun out of the criminal’s hand?”
Our commander-in-chief, President Joe Biden, is apparently one such person. While giving a speech at the National Action Network’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast in Washington, the “leader” of the free world decided to weigh in on your local police force should be handling situations where a firearm is necessary.
“We have to retrain cops,” said […]
Excerpt Sourced From: redstate.com