Decades in the making, a plan is underway to take down the greatest obstacle to totalitarianism the world has ever known: the United States of America
No matter where we look these days, America is suffering.
Our economic strength is gutted as the government blocks energy production, spends trillions it doesn’t have, and weakens the dollar with decades-high inflation. Our national defense is weakened as government officials abandon weapons to the Taliban, sideline soldiers for woke training, and open the border to terrorists and lethal drugs. Our communities suffer with defunded police, a shocking crime wave, school indoctrination, and an outright attack on our freedom of speech.
None of this is hypothetical—it’s all happening right now. And the damage these government officials cause is fully documented. So why are they getting a pass? Pundits often attribute the government’s assault on America to incompetence, insanity, or mere coincidence. “Washington is run by wackos,” […]
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