The two lone pro-abortion Republicans in the U.S. Senate partnered with Democrats on Thursday to introduce a bill that would legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions up to birth nationwide.
U.S. Sens. Murkowski, R-Alaska and Susan Collins, R-Maine, joined Democrat Sens. Tim Kaine, of Virginia, and Krysten Sinema, of Arizona, in calling for passage of Senate Bill 4688 , or the Reproductive Freedom for All Act, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports .
“It’s up to Congress to help restore and protect women’s reproductive rights. I’m proud to reintroduce bipartisan legislation with my colleagues,” Murkowski said in a statement. “Unless we enshrine reproductive health care autonomy into law, we risk a future where generations of women will grow up with fewer rights than their mothers.”
The four lead sponsors are viewed as political moderates, and their bill is being presented as a compromise in comparison to the radical Women’s Health Protection Act, […]
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