FOX News is a shell of its former self.
As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier — FOX News joined the mainstream liberal media cabal and boycotted coverage of the “2000 Mules” documentary. The movie reveals evidence of the nationwide ballot trafficking conspiracy by Democrats to steal the 2020 presidential election.
FOX News WILL NOT ALLOW any mention of “2000 Mules” on their national channel.
TRENDING: It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again: Is the Uniparty Stealing PA GOP Primary from Dr. Oz? – They’re Delaying Results in Allegheny County -Third World Tactics To his credit, Tucker Carlson did invite True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht on his top-rated program the day after the premiere of the movie at Mar-a-Lago.But then last Saturday night election integrity investigator Gregg Phillips, who was a top investigator in the film, told the audience at the “2000 Mules” virtual premiere that FOX’s lawyers are keeping the film […]
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