Many in the pro-life movement were shocked when Kansas voters rejected the Value Them Both amendment, which would have removed abortion as a right in the state constitution. Yet it quickly came to light how the abortion industry worked to ensure a victory, and that included some help from very wealthy donors.
Campaign finance reports were released this week , revealing some major celebrities and public figures donating to the deceptively-named Kansans for Constitutional Freedom. And, as the Kansas City Star pointed out , the campaign got a major boost from Hollywood celebrities Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw; the married director and actress donated $25,000 each. Even that amount was dwarfed by donations from abortion organizations, like NARAL Pro-Choice America, which gave $300,000.
The largest donation, however, came from politician and media magnate Michael Bloomberg, who gave an astounding $1.25 million donation. Bloomberg is a wealthy longtime abortion advocate, having previously […]
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