Yet another caravan of illegal aliens is approaching the border between Mexico and the United States, with its numbers rising at such a rate that it could soon become the largest caravan of its kind ever seen.
As reported by Just The News , this caravan started off at a size of between 6,000 and 11,000 illegals when it departed the city of Tapachula, near the border between Mexico and Guatemala, on Monday. This caravan is being organized and led by a radical amnesty advocate named Luis Garcia Villagran, who has previously tried to organize similar caravans in the past that never came to fruition.
This caravan appears to be the first of his efforts that will succeed, and estimates claim that this particular gathering could grow to over 15,000 illegals. Villagran admitted that he planned the timing of this particular caravan to coincide with the upcoming Summit of the Americas […]
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