Nick Ut By illogical extension in search of ever more edgy radical nonsense, the crazy-train left is capable of damn near anything, particularly when related to “ climate change ” — AKA: “The existential threat of mankind. How nonsensical, you ask? It’s the craziest thing I’ve seen in a while — and the competition is stiff.
Ready? Washington State University graduate students Brandon Edwards-Schuth and Marco Cerqueira wrote the following in a recent Northwest Journal of Teacher Education article : The world is facing a looming existential threat caused by exploitative habits and intentional human negligence. OK, sans the “existential threat” hysteria, I can buy the concept — to a point. At least for argument’s sake. However, Edwards-Schuth and Cerqueira continued way beyond that point. These scholarly geniuses summed up their plan to conquer the pretend looming existential threat in one word: “Plantifa.” Clever, for sure, but what the?
“Plantifa,” […]
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