AP Photo/Keith Srakocic Just about everyone’s tired of talking about New York. A day can’t go by without invoking a reference to some sort of New York law, New York city, and of course New York lawsuit(s). Sorry, not sorry, but most states in the North East, much like Hawaii, California, and Illinois, go above and beyond concerning the usurpation of our rights and adore pissing on the Constitution. New York’s newly minted carry laws have left many-a-New Yorker frustrated, angered, and also disarmed.
While the NYSRPA v. Bruen opinion was supposed to be the headshot to restrictions on carry, all the opinion has seemed to do in the Empire State is anger the ineffectual so-called leadership, and cause them to double down on these civil rights violations. People that had carry permits in New York prior to NYSRPA v. Bruen had more rights then, than they do now. Because […]
Excerpt Sourced From: bearingarms.com