The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is the kind of military alliance the Founding Fathers warned about.
Its entangling nature puts America at risk of entering potentially dangerous conflicts where no pressing national interest is at stake. Just look at the present Russo-Ukrainian conflict. Many policymakers in Washington believe that a Slav-on-Slav conflict thousands of miles away somehow involves a critical national interest. In reality, what guides the DC Swamp’s interest in this conflict is the desire to debilitate Russia and make it submit to the liberal hegemonic order. DC is committed to this goal irrespective of the massive risks its entails. For one, there’s an increased chance of nuclear conflict between the West and Russia should the former start cranking up military aid and even sending conventional forces into Ukraine to stave off Russian advances.
There are very few elected officials in DC who are calling for deescalation in this conflict. […]
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