President Trump released a statement exposing Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers for covering up the massive 2020 election fraud before he testified as a witness for the January 6th Unselect Committee on Tuesday.
Bowers testified next to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Gabriel Sterling and took questions from liar Rep. Adam Schiff.
“Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers is the latest RINO to play along with the Unselect Committee,” said President Trump. Trump continued, recalling a November phone call where Bowers admitted that “the election was rigged and that I [Trump] won Arizona.”
The Gateway Pundit reported back in December 2020 that Rusty Bowers pushed back against his Republican colleagues calling for decertification, saying that the Legislature cannot overturn the fraudulent election. TRENDING: Something Strange Happened in Georgia: Vernon Jones Is Latest Trump-Endorsed Candidate to Lose Run-Off Election in Peach State — A Clean Sweep for Never-Trump […]
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