Gun violence – the bane of human existence in America. Gun violence – the liberals, Democrats, academics, and snowflakes’ favorite drum to beat for more! Gun! Laws! Outright gun prohibition still isn’t enough to end gun violence. Even the word “gun” triggers (pun intended) those with virgin ears!
What if “gun violence” can be eliminated in 24 hours tops; completely eradicated from society? No 2nd Amendment violations. In fact, the 2A isn’t a factor at all! No confiscations. No snarky BATFE back-door regulations. No oppressive targeted (pun intended again) taxes. No freedom-robbing side-effects whatsoever and guaranteed 100% effective. Interested? Of course, you are! Who could be in favor of “gun violence”?
Google “Gun Violence”. In a mere .68 seconds, 367,000,000 responses. That’s an arsenal of material on “gun violence”! And while there are thousands and thousands of opinions, editorials, and podium-pounding pontifications littering the research landscape, amazingly none have offered what […]
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