(AP Photo/Lisa Marie Pane) Many anti-gunners have long claimed that if black folks started buying guns, your average Second Amendment advocate would start calling for gun control. It’s their bit to try and claim that we’re all secretly–or not so secretly, depending on who you talk to–racist.
And based on how folks in California started passing gun control after the Black Panthers showed up armed way back in the day, there’s a reason they think that.
However, that was then, this is now. Times have changed a lot since then but their opinions haven’t.
Unfortunately, those comments and opinions have been debunked. Not by a Second Amendment writer or YouTube personality or anyone like that. They’ve been debunked by reality . During the pandemic, gun and ammunition sales spiked dramatically in the United States — particularly among Black women, who have become the fastest growing group of gun owners in the country. […]
Excerpt Sourced From: bearingarms.com