Is the distinction a fiction whose time has passed?
Partisans of all stripes accept as unproblematic the distinction between “reporting” and “editorializing,” or “journalism” and “commentary.”
In so doing, they accept as unproblematic the more fundamental distinction between “fact” and “opinion,” “knowledge” and “belief,” or “objectivity” and “bias.” But is that sound?
Even a slight familiarity with the history of philosophy reveals the problem with that assumption.While philosophers from around the globe and throughout the ages may have agreed on relatively little, they agreed that every claim to knowledge presupposes an epistemology , a philosophy of knowledge.What’s the difference between knowledge and belief? Is there a difference? Are “knowledge” and “fact” synonymous terms? If so, how so? If not, then what is the difference between them? What exactly is a “ fact ?” What exactly is an “ opinion ,” and does it differ from a “ fact ?” If so, how […]
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