A room of students at the University of Pittsburgh burst into laughter earlier this week after an anthropology professor suggested to former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines that there is no difference between the bone structure of a male and female.
A video went viral on social media after Gaines engaged Gabby Yearwood, senior lecturer at the university’s anthropology department. Gaines prompted Yearwood: “If you were to dig up two humans one hundred years from now, both man and woman, could you tell the difference, strictly off of bones?” The professor responded: “No,” to which the entire room subsequently erupted into laughter, likely due to the absurdity of the response.
The professor could not believe that they would be the target of laughter, given that they were “the expert in the room.”
The professor continued: “Have any of you been to anthropological sites? Have any of you studied biological anthropology? […]
Excerpt Sourced From: thepostmillennial.com