Hollywood star Sean Penn has issued an aggressive rebuke of unvaccinated people, arguing that they are “criminals” and shouldn’t leave their homes.
The leftist actor says that a different set of rules should apply to the unvaxxed, asserting that choosing not to be vaccinated against Covid is “a cowardice of conviction.”
Penn made his feelings known while recently speaking during an interview with Extra .
The interviewer asked Penn how he felt about “anti-vaccine rhetoric.”“It’s a cowardice of conviction ,” Penn replied.“I think that it is an unwillingness to engage in a culture of common sense.“That at this point, it seems criminal to me, actually.“I really feel that if someone chooses not to be vaccinated, that they should choose to stay home,” he declared.“Not go to work. Not have a job.“As long as we’re all paying for these streets, we gotta ride safely on them. Slay the latest News for free! “And […]
Excerpt Sourced From: slaynews.com