Lisa Murkowski is the perfect mascot for Senate Republicans. She is a Democrat in all but name, an aristocrat who inherited her office, and a beneficiary of rigged elections. She has more in common with Nancy Pelosi than the average Republican voter, and every time Alaskan Republicans attempt to throw her out of office, Mitch McConnell’s minions manipulate the rules to save her.
For McConnell, Murkowski is another beholden senator kept securely in his pocket who will vote how he wants on any given day. That might not be so bad (except for the good people of Alaska, whom she purportedly represents) if McConnell were not also an aristocrat who routinely betrays Republican voters. However, because his loyalties lie with President Xi, multinational corporations, the World Economic Forum, and his good friend Joe Biden, China Mitch uses the leash around Murkowski’s neck only when he needs help sticking it to […]
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