Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP Former “The Talk” hostess and wife of rocker Ozzy Osbourne is declaring herself to be a woman in Kanye West’s corner after his comments about Black Lives Matter being a scam. She’s even demanding the nearly $1 million she gave to the movement back.
Osbourne was approached by TMZ and asked about Kanye’s latest campaign which involved West calling the movement a “scam.”
When Osbourne was asked if she agrees with West about BLM being a scam, Osbourne was quick to answer.
“Well, we gave $900,000 to that and I’d like my money back,” she said.Osbourne disagreed that canceling Kanye is inappropriate and agreed with his message that white lives matter.“I don’t understand why white lives don’t matter. I don’t understand it. It’s not my culture,” she said. “Everybody matters, don’t they?” West has been pushing away the political boundaries usually set for black celebrities. In 2018, West […]
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