The forty-two seconds of the Rumble video embedded below are truly shocking. Courageous journalist Sharyl Attkisson testifies to a congressional hearing about the depths to which the FBI has sunk in its attempts to discredit one of its most effective critics.
In case you don’t know, while she was working as a reporter for CBS, Ms. Attkisson’s work and home computers were invaded and taken over by the FBI, evidently because she had incurred their ire over her reporting. You can watch the CBS report on the incursion here: Armed with considerable evidence, she has sued individual agents and has already received one default judgment in her favor. As she explains here : Multiple forensics exams concluded that numerous devices used by Attkisson were remotely compromised including, but not limited to: CBS Toshiba Laptop
Apple iMac Desktop
MacBook Air Mobile devices, including Blackberry Forensics exams were conducted from 2013 to […]
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