According to a report featured in The Gateway Pundit, data continues to show an alarming uptick in “sudden deaths” occurring in young athletes since the onset of 2021. But what really puts the alarming trend into perspective is when reviewing the data of similar “sudden deaths” among athletes between the years of 1966 and 2004.
Ever since the ushering in of the COVID shots in January of 2021, more and more reports have cropped up across the world with details of people having “suddenly” or “unexpectedly” died – with a sizeable number of those reports pertaining to athletes.
Considering the timing of these “sudden” deaths, which began occurring at a rate where they could no longer be ignored, some have drawn the conclusion that there has to be some connection between these medical anomalies and a particular breed of shots that many all over the world were compelled and shamed into […]
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