I have heard enough from people dealing with trans children and adolescents to know that this curse can strike anybody. It has bypassed my family, thank God, but if it had hit us, I would feel exactly as this man below does: There will be no justice until every damn doctor, hospital, and medical association responsible for this atrocity has been sued into the ground, and some of them imprisoned. Forgiveness? Yes, in time (though that’s easy for me to say, as I have not suffered what this father has suffered) — but only after full lustration, only after Nuremberg-like tribunals, only after the trials, only after utter and complete shame shattering all the luminaries and the institutions — including the Democratic Party, the TV networks, the major newspapers — which brought this evil onto the lives of American children and their families.
Those who did this to young women […]
Excerpt Sourced From: www.theamericanconservative.com