On the morning of June 10, 2013, journalist Glenn Greenwald and filmmaker Laura Poitras released a video on the Guardian website, unveiling the identity of the NSA whistleblower responsible for one of the most significant leaks in modern history. The video began with the words, “My name is Ed Snowden.”
At the time, William Fitzgerald, a 27-year-old policy employee at Google, knew he wanted to assist but was uncertain about how he could contribute. Snowden was undoubtedly one of the most wanted individuals globally, as the confidential documents he shared with Greenwald, Poitras, and the Guardian’s Ewen MacAskill exposed an expansive US government surveillance program with global reach, involving major tech companies. Working at Google since 2008, based in its Hong Kong office, Fitzgerald impulsively emailed Greenwald from his personal Gmail account. The email, retrieved by the Guardian , stated, “If looking for alternative options to protect Edward within Hong […]
Excerpt Sourced From: americafirstreport.com